Our Mission
The Ailbe Seminary equips leaders to prepare God’s people as citizens and ambassadors in His Kingdom. We employ a Spirit-directed approach to teaching and learning, within the theological framework of historic creeds and confessions.
As a ministry of The Fellowship of Ailbe, our focus is deep, rather than wide; we are seeking to train leaders committed to making disciples, building the local church, and seeking the Kingdom and glory of God and His righteousness in all areas of life.

The Kingdom and Glory of God
Christians are called above all else to the Kingdom and glory of God (1 Thess. 2.12). The Kingdom of God, coming and to come, constitutes the far horizon in our journey through life. Along the way, in all we do, our goal must be to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to bear witness to Him in our words and deeds, so that, in all things, the beauty, goodness, and truth of God are made manifest to the world. Thus, the knowledge of God’s glory will cover the earth as the water covers the sea, and to this end . The Ailbe Seminary exists to train Kingdom leaders unto the glory of God.

Historic Creeds and Confessions
A thread of orthodox and evangelical interpretation runs from the Apostles through the Fathers of the early and medieval Church, via the Reformation and Great Awakenings into the modern period of evangelical renewal. This “Magisterium of the Spirit” is encoded in the great creeds and confessions of the Church, especially the Apostles’ Creed, the Nicene Creed, the Formula of Chalcedon, the Westminster Confession of Faith, and the Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy. This Magisterium provides the framework of orthodox teaching and learning within and according to which the courses of The Ailbe Seminary are created.

Spirit-Directed Teaching and Learning
The Holy Spirit is the primary Teacher for the followers of Christ. He is the Key to all true learning. The Holy Spirit searches the deep things of God, compares spiritual things with spiritual things, leads us into all truth, brings us into the glory of God, enlightens the mind, revives the heart, renews and reinforces the conscience, transforms us into the image of Jesus Christ, brings forth fruit within and bestows gifts upon us, makes us willing and able to do the will of the Father, and empowers us to live as citizens and ambassadors of the Kingdom, and witnesses to our Lord Jesus Christ. The Spirit of God has His way of teaching, and His ways of helping us learn.

The Fellowship of Ailbe
The Fellowship of Ailbe is a spiritual fellowship in the Celtic Christian tradition, constituted by a core Brotherhood of men committed to one another according to a common Rule, and serving a larger Community of readers, students, pastors, and witnesses who are seeking to realize more of the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
To learn more about the Celtic Christian tradition, and why we at The Fellowship of Ailbe anchor in these historic roots, download the free PDF The Celtic Revival: A Brief Introduction.

Focus on Depth
Teaching and learning at The Ailbe Seminary concentrates on shaping learners, soul and body, for Kingdom living within their Personal Mission Field. Our courses focus on realizing more of the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God, beginning in the inner person and working outward into each learner’s calling in life.
Our training focus is on those who aspire to leadership roles in the Kingdom of God; we make no pretense of trying offer a little bit of everything for just about everyone. We believe that by training a select few – drilling deep into the soul, and working to fill their life spaces with the risen Christ and His rule – we can accomplish our mission and help learners fulfill their life callings as well.